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shutterstock_760027258This holiday season, the Liz Moore & Associates Newport News office is helping those in need in various ways.

Toys for Tots
Bring an unwrapped toy to the office located at 11801 Canon Blvd. by December 10th. All toys will be donated to Toys for Tots.

Stockings for Seniors
Gift items and cash donations are being accepted to put together Christmas stockings for seniors citizens at Mennowood and Warwick Forest.  Donations will be accepted at the office until December 10th.

The Giving Tree
Stop by the office and grab a tag from the giving tree!  Select tags will benefit Warwick Assembly Fook Bank, a Liz Moore & Associates Adopted Family, and seniors at local retirement communities. Please drop off your giving tree donations by December 15th.

Got questions?  Email,,, or



Post by Lynnette Tully