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Get rich, get fit, get educated - we are all making the obligatory new year's resolution.  If a new home is in your sights for 2014, there are three resolutions you want to start thinking about this January (according to buying a home

1.  Save/Find Money for a Down Payment
Start saving and planning for your down payment now so you aren't scrambling at the last minute, or worse, so you don't miss out on the home you really want.  

2.  Pay Down/Off Credit Card Debt
Beginning the home buying process with the least amount of credit card debt possible is always a plus.  This will have a positive impact on the amount of house you qualify for, in addition to cutting down the monthly bills you are responsible for.

3.  Boost Your Credit Score
Talk to a mortgage lender early on in the process and find out what you need to do in order to boost your score.  You might have entries on your credit report that you didn't know about.  Outstanding medical bills, a high debt to income ratio and reported late payments can all be things that need attention.  Start now!

Are you looking to start the home buying process in 2014?  Email us at, we'd love to help! Or, click below to download our free Home Buyer's Handbook.

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Post by Lynnette Tully