The 2015 National Association of Realtors Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers reports on where buyers found the home they purchased.
Internet - 44%
The number has consistently increased year after year, starting at just 8% in 2001.
Real Estate Agent - 33%
Ranging between 38% and 33% since 2004, this number was at its highest in 2001 (48%) and its lowest (33%) 2013-2015.
Yard Sign/Open House Sign - 9%
This number stayed between 15% and 16% from 2001-2008, and started to drop in 2009.
Friend, Relative, Neighbor - 6%
Jumping back and forth from 7% to 8% from 2001-2008, this number dropped to 6% in 2009 and has stayed there.
Home Builder or Their Agent - 6%
This number has stayed the same for the last four years and increased slightly in 2015.
Directly From Sellers - 2%
This number has remained between 2% and 3% since 2005.
Print Newspaper Advertisement - 1%
This number started at 7% in 2001 and has consistently dropped year after year.

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