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By Liz Moore

Selling a home is one of the largest, most important financial transactions most people will make in a lifetime.  And yet, many times consumers choose the real estate agent who guides and advises them “by accident”…they hook up with an agent that answered an ad or sign call, or the first agent they meet at an open house.  I’m not suggesting that is necessarily a problem, but I would offer some advice as you consider hiring a REALTOR to sell your home:hiring a realtor

Your agent should have a specific marketing plan for your property, tailored to reach a specific target profile buyer.  In most cases, there will be several demographics involved, and your agent should be able to effectively outline a strategy to reach them all. 

Marketing should include print media, online efforts, and a plan to reach out to other agents.

The ability to “tell your home’s story” is key, through expert photography and compelling copy.  Details matter.  You should ask to see samples, and the agent should be able to elaborate on a game plan that spans the length of the listing.  Quite simply, your agent’s marketing plan should “wow” you!

Your agent should be excited about your property, and should be able to easily articulate its benefits and value to prospective buyers.  Equally important is their ability to identify potential objections, and have a plan to overcome them.

Lastly, and perhaps most important of all, is your agent’s willingness to be both honest and direct with you.  While that may sound obvious, what I mean is that must be able to deliver difficult messages, and tell you the truth and the bottom line (either about your home’s market value, or that outdated wallpaper even though it’s your favorite), even when it’s not what you want to hear.  An agent who is afraid to tell you that the price you want is too much will allow you to make expensive mistakes when positioning your property, and those relationships often end with an expired or cancelled listing as well as a disappointed seller.

Need some specific advice?  Please feel free to contact me at 757.645.4106 or, and I would be happy to help!

If you’re a seller who has been wondering if it might finally be time to sell, email us at, or click below, and we can prepare a complimentary analysis of market value for you – you just may be pleasantly surprised. 

How Much is My Home Worth?


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Post by Lynnette Tully